Once you’ve taken your photos or made a list of the objects you found, email them to Sara LeBlanc at the Yarmouth Recreation Department. She’ll enter your name in a draw for the chance to win one of four $20 gift certificates. sara@district.yarmouth.ns.ca GOOD LUCK:-)

Hints and Tips:
1. When you enter the hiking loop, stay to your right for easier spotting. 2. PLEASE don’t disturb any of the items you find. Leave them for others to enjoy. 3. All 20 objects are in plain sight. They are not hidden in any way, but that doesn’t mean that they’re easy to spot. Keep your eyes open! 4. Don’t worry if you don’t find all 20. You can always go back later in the week and try again. Look up, look around… Have fun and enjoy your surroundings. 5. DON’T TELL ANYONE WHAT YOU FOUND!