The Friends of Ellenwood encourage all our subscribers to become sponsors and to renew their support annually. Sponsorships are $10/yr for individuals and $15/yr for families. The sponsorship form is on-line and can be downloaded.
Your financial support helps in the so many ways: It helps us to provide family friendly activities from September to May, at no cost. We are able to provide, coffee, tea, hot chocolate and water for your enjoyment, the wood for the woodstove, that keeps the cabin warm is purchased with this money.
When it snows, we are able to hire a local person to keep the walking path clear. This year, we will need to buy gas for the snowmobile, which pulls the groomer, when we get all the snow.
We are also hoping to purchase some additional cross-country skis, boots, and poles to add to our current stock of equipment for those who would like to give the sport a try this winter.
We hope that you will come out and enjoy the park as much as we do.
- Ideal ski conditions!
- Beautiful winter scenery!
- Groomed trails!