Good-bye Winter, Hello Spring…

The lovely snow base that we cross-country skiers have been enjoying for the past several weeks is slowly melting. The Spring Equinox arrives in just 4 more days bringing more daylight hours, but not necessarily great ski conditions. Oh well… you can’t have it all! Mother Nature might still have a card or two to play. If so, we may have another chance to hit the trails at Ellenwood.

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March 9th & 10th

The ski cabin will be open for equipment loans on Saturday and Sunday, noon ’til 4pm both days. The conditions have been good – and below zero temperatures should keep things skiable through the weekend. Come on out and enjoy the snow while it lasts!

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Tuesday, March 5th…

Stephen’s been out grooming the trails and breaking up the crust on the tracks so you can get out to the Park and enjoy the snow while it lasts! There’s a bit more in the forecast for tomorrow, which along with below zero temperatures, should mean some pretty good conditions for the next few days. Have fun:-)
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Sunday, March 3rd…

Can you ever have too much of a good thing? Well… maybe.

Our volunteers will be out at the cabin this afternoon from 12:00-4:00! The conditions are PRIME for skiing and snowshoeing today… snowman-making too;-) The Mood Road has been plowed and Stephen will be grooming and setting tracks shortly. Get out to the Park and enjoy it! Maybe we’ll see you there!

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March 2nd & 3rd

The ski cabin will be closed this weekend for equipment loans. The ski tracks are NOT safe and should be avoided. If we get a nice snowfall over the frozen base that’s already there, then skiing ‘may’ be possible on Monday… maybe. In the mean time, take care walking in and have a great weekend:-)

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Saturday, February 23rd

The ski cabin will be open for equipment loans this weekend! The conditions are good with just a few spots to look out for where gravel or asphalt is exposed, otherwise, it’s GOOD for skiers and walkers! We’ll have staff on hand from 12:00 to 4:00 on Saturday and Sunday. Please remember to stay to the left as you walk down to the cabin – away from the groomed ski tracks. **The equipment loans are free, but your donations help to keep our skidoo and groomer running and are always appreciated;-)

X-country skiing at its best.
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Thursday, February 21st

Thursday, February 21st – Stephen’s been out grooming at Ellenwood and the conditions are GOOD for skiing! The walking path has been plowed also, but is still covered in icy patches – so be cautious. PLEASE stay clear of the ski tracks and WALK ON THE LEFT! The tracks take a lot of time to set and are easily damaged by foot traffic – human and canine:-( When ski tracks are damaged it poses a safety risk for skiers who can’t always slow down in time to avoid a fall. Thank you!

Ski on the right…  Walk on the left… Skate ski in the middle…

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Tuesday, February 19th

NO SNOW MOON HIKE AT ELLENWOOD TONIGHT! There is too much ice underfoot hiding under a thin layer of snow and the walking is treacherous. We regret having to cancel this event due to safety concerns. It’s just not worth a broken arm or a chipped tooth. **If you do head out to the park, please use extra caution and expect icy conditions.

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Valentine’s Day Special!

Mother Nature sent all of you cross-country ski lovers out there a sweet treat just in time for Valentine’s Day! The skiing’s GREAT at Ellenwood, but it may not last long. So grab your sweetie and make it a date! The trails are groomed and the tracks are set. Have fun:-)

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Sunday, February 3, 2019

Not enough snow fell overnight to improve the conditions for skiing today. Exposed gravel and asphalt patches pose a hazard for skiers and their skis. The cabin will not be open for equipment loans today. Folks determined to bring in their own skis are advised to use extra caution. The walking’s GREAT though! So get out there and enjoy the fresh air:-)

Posted in Past Posts | Comments Off on Sunday, February 3, 2019