Coming soon to a sky near you…

There’s a full moon on the rise at the end of April! Although the Friends of Ellenwood will not be hosting a night hike into the Park on the 29th, we encourage all you enthusiasts to come out and enjoy the view! Our hike at the end of March provided some spectacular photo ops. For those unfamiliar with Ellenwood’s various trails, download and print a trail map from our website or use Snap Chat on your cell phone to help navigate while you walk. Be safe, walk with others and have fun!

Ellenwood trail map

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Happy Easter!

The Friends of Ellenwood Park would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you who are celebrating Easter this weekend a very happy time together with your family.

All our friends are invited to join us for a hike under the blue moon on Saturday night. It’s a magical few hours of easy communion with Nature (and other like-minded folks) who enjoy the quiet of the woods and the beauty of the night sky.  Come along and bring the kids.  We’ll meet you at the entrance gate at 8:00 pm. Bring your night ears and eyes – and a flashlight.

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Saturday, March 24th update…

There’s still a possibility of reasonable skiing as long as you stick to the two campground loops. Otherwise, it’s soft and slushy and rapidly deteriorating.  Bare patches abound, so be extra cautious if you’re going downhill! Expect icy patches, exposed asphalt and slushy spots which you’ll have to step around.  Have fun, but be safe!
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Blue Moon Hike

The Friends of Ellenwood Park will be hiking under the full moon again on Saturday, March 31st.  We’ll be meeting everyone in the parking lot off of Mood Road at 8:00 pm.  Dress for the weather, bring a flashlight and be sure to bring the kids!  All our events are weather dependent so check back here before heading out.

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It’s the last weekend of February!

Where did the month go, eh?  Time sure flies when you’re not cross-country skiing – or snow shoeing for that matter.  The ski cabin will be closed for loans this weekend, obviously, but this is a great time to remind you about our hike under the full moon at Ellenwood next Friday night, March 31st!  We’ll meet everyone at 8:00 pm in the parking lot off of Mood Road.  Bring a flashlight and dress for the weather. We’re hoping for clear skies, but you never can tell! So check here for updates before heading out to the Park.

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How About Another Moonlight Hike?

Strong winds and a 60% chance of rain have left us with pretty unappealing hiking conditions – no chance of seeing the moon, but a good chance of getting wet.  We’ll cancel our hike for tonight, but we’ll be trying again at the end of this month on Saturday, the 31st.  Save the date and we will hope to see you all there!

The Friends of Ellenwood Park will be hiking under the full moon again on Friday, March 2nd.  We’ll be meeting everyone in the parking lot off of Mood Road at 7:00 pm.  Dress for the weather, bring a flashlight and be sure to bring the kids!  All our events are weather dependent so check back here before heading out.

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Ski Waxing event cancelled for tomorrow

Regretfully, Mother Nature has decided to deliver some gnarly weather overnight into tomorrow and our ski waxing service will have to be cancelled in the interest of safety.  Our ‘professional’ waxer was scheduled to drive all the way in from Wolfville and his safety is our #1 priority, obviously.  Apologies to one and all.  The cabin will be open for loans IF Mood Road is plowed.  If the rain arrives as predicted, the cabin may be closed on Monday, time will tell.

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Heritage Day Long Weekend at Ellenwood

SATURDAY: put on your walking shoes because the weather will be beautiful for a hike around the Park today!  It’s a different story tomorrow…

SUNDAY: Snow! Glorious snow is forecast just in time to test that new wax on your skis! Yes, our Ski Waxing Service will take place at the ski cabin from 11:00-3:00. Check last week’s post for full details and bring your skis along. Ike will get them into shape in no time! Cash or cheque only. First come, first served. Don’t miss this one day event!

MONDAY: The ski cabin will be open from 12:00-4:00 and we will be loaning equipment if the conditions are right.  Take advantage of the snow while it lasts!

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Professional Ski Waxing Service

…for waxable and no-wax skis
Sunday, February 18th at Ellenwood
11:00am – 3:00pm *rain or shine
Bring your skis to the ski cabin at Ellenwood on the 18th
or call the Yarmouth Rec. Department at 902-742-8868
to register for early drop off by noon on Feb. 16th and we’ll bring your skis to the Park for you!
**On line pre-registration form
Skis will be serviced on a ‘first come first served’ basis.
SERVICES and FEE SCHEDULE *cash or cheque only
$5 Clean off last year’s wax ($10 if Klister was used)
$10 Apply glide wax
$12 Preparation of skis, including ‘hot scrape’
Put some GLIDE back in your STRIDE and the FUN back in skiing
with a proper cleaning and waxing!
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Saturday, February 10th… update

The ski cabin will be closed today due to rain. There still isn’t enough snow to run the groomer or loan out equipment, but we always have our fingers crossed! ***PLEASE USE CAUTION whenever you enter the Park. You are responsible for your own safety and SAFETY is #1 with us. Ice isn’t always visible! Walkers, please keep to your left on the way down so if there are ski tracks, they won’t be damaged. Thanks;-)

HEY! Mother Nature!  We’re ready whenever YOU are!

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