A Friendly Thank You!

The Friends of Ellenwood Park wish all of our friends a very Happy Thanksgiving!  We are looking forward to seeing you this fall and hoping for some great ski and snowshoe conditions in the months ahead.  Have you renewed your membership yet? Click on the Be A Friend tab to find out how or come to one of our Family Bonfires and we’ll have a Support Form handy. Our friends at Runner’s Attic offer a 15% discount for all our members!                                                                                                              And “thank you” for joining us at our mid-month bonfires, too!  A few of you have generously brought along hot dogs and s’mores to share.  It’s been tons o’ fun watching moms and dads taking the kids for a spin on our trolley skis, as well!  The rest of you should really come and see what you’re missing;-)  It’s not too late!


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SUNDAY, November 12th, 2-4 pm …if the weather permits!
Join the Friends of Ellenwood Park for a family friendly Campfire and Marshmallow Roast. Come and experience a classic Canadian outdoor tradition. Park at the entrance gate and take a leisurely 15 minute walk along the main road down to the lake. Look for the children’s playground and you will see  the ski cabin, the fire pit is just beyond.  Newcomers to the area are most welcome! Marshmallows (halal) and toasting sticks will be provided. Bring a story to share and be sure to bring the kids!

Be sure to check back here for a last-minute weather update before heading out!

The FOEP will be hosting a Ski Waxing Workshop in the Rotary Building at the Rec. Centre in Hebron 0n Saturday, November 25th.  A $10 registration fee will provide you with a “How To” demonstration of cross country ski preparation and a home made chilli lunch… because (Surprise!) “NO WAX” skis need wax, too. Details will be published on this site early next month. Get ready for the snow! Learn how to prepare your skis for the fun to come. Stay tuned…

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March 25th update…

Well… it’s the first weekend of spring.  How are you liking it so far?  It also happens to be the last weekend of March.  Remember that whole, “In like a lion, out like a lamb” business?  The next few days are forecast to be springlike indeed and lovely weather for a walk around Ellenwood – as long as you’re mindful of those icy patches underfoot.  The ski cabin will be closed for ski loans AGAIN… but sometimes one or two of us just like to hang out there for some peace and quiet in front of a hot wood stove, so stop by and see.  You might be lucky!  We’ve invested in some size 13 men’s ski boots for next (unfortunately) season so we’ll be all ready for you larger-footed gents as soon as Mother Nature decides to play along.  Until then, enjoy the lamb-like weather and a walk in the Park.


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March 18th update…

It’s a case of too much yet too little.  Too much snow on the ground preventing our Hunt for Gold to take place, but too little snow for getting out the skis.  A soggy combination.  As the sun hits the ground, it turns the snow into mush and throws a wet blanket on our plans this weekend.  Even the leprechauns have stayed away. So the Hunt for Gold is cancelled and the ski cabin will be closed, but it’s grand weather for a walk out at Ellenwood and spring is surely on its way! Maybe that’s the pot of gold we’ve been looking for;-)

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March 11th update…

Baby, it’s c-c-c-COLD outside!  Bundle up if you head out to the Park for a walk this weekend.  No snow means no skiing (…not enough glide;-) so the ski cabin will be closed while we c-c-c-continue to wait.

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March 4th update…

Cold enough for snow, but that’s about all. That means the ski cabin will be closed for ski loans again this weekend. Oh well… it’s still early in the month so by all means count your chickens, but not before they hatch.  Here’s something to think about while you wait…

If you’ve been thinking about getting your own cross country ski equipment or snowshoes, NOW is the time!  Stores like MEC and Hub Cycle put their winter sports gear on sale and the bargains are worth a trip to Halifax or Truro.  They also have staff who know how to FIT you for the right skis.  That’s right… in order to get just the right amount of grip along with just the right amount of glide, you need to be fitted for skis. Something to consider…


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St. Patrick’s Hunt for Gold

On Sunday, March 19th bring the wee folk out to Ellenwood where they can hunt for the gold coins that those mischievous leprechauns leave behind in the Park every year.  Afterward, they can trade all that gold for fun loot of their own to take home!

Meet at the ski cabin to register. The fun starts promptly at 2:00 and continues while supplies last.  Suitable for ages 4 to 10.  This event will be cancelled in case of bad weather. Check back here for updates before leaving home.                    Freewill donations are appreciated!


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Last weekend in February…

March arrives on Wednesday. Can you believe it?  Where did February go with all its deep, fluffy snow and fabulous skiing?  There’s an old saying that March comes in like a lion, but goes out like a lamb.  Whereas, Ethel Merman says, “There’s NO business like SNOW business.”   Have a look at the weather forecast for next week.  Who do you believe?

I’m going with Ethel on this one.  The ski cabin will be closed for ski and snowshoe loans for the time being.  Maybe March will come in like a lamb and go out like a lion, in which case we’ll have another kick at the can before April showers bring May flowers.  That’s it for old sayings, Broadway classics, and February.  Thanks, Ethel… and thanks to Fanpix.net for the great picture;-)

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Heritage Day at Ellenwood…

As of 10:30 this morning, the ski trails around the Park are crusty, partially ice-covered and FAST!  Definitely NOT for novice skiers.  In the interest of safety, the Friends of Ellenwood Park will not be loaning equipment to anyone without previous cross-country experience.  The surface is not appropriate for snowshoe use.

The plowed walking path that leads down to the ski cabin is mostly ice-covered and all walkers should take great care when heading into the Park. Crampons on your boots would be a good idea.

Saturday and Sunday were busy, fun-filled days on the trails for snowshoers and cross-country skiers alike.  We met LOTS of new folks and a ton of kids who all did their best and had a very good time:-)  A reward of hot chocolate and marshmallows just sweetened the experience even more.  Because of the large numbers of visitors, the ski tracks are a bit chopped up.  **If we are able to get out to groom later today, I will be sure to let you know! In the mean time, have a wonderful holiday however you spend it.  I will attach a beautiful photo that was sent to us by one of our trail users yesterday.  It’s a keeper;-)

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Heritage Day long weekend update…

Did you know it is estimated that over 3.5 million Canadians own cross-country equipment, of whom almost 2 million ski once a week or more during the winter months? Cross-country skiing is a great Canadian heritage just like hockey and maple syrup!

If you happen to be one of the 33,001,605 Canadians who DON’T own their own equipment, why not come to Ellenwood Park this weekend and borrow ours?

The ski cabin will be open for business from noon until 4:00 Saturday, Sunday AND holiday Monday.  The conditions are perfect and the time is right. Please take time to review our SAFETY TIPS before heading out to the Park.  Just click on the ‘Skiing At The Park’ tab on our home page for everything you need to know.  Please bring a donation to help keep our snow mobile running.  We can’t groom without your help.  Ski ya later!

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