Would you wear a bathing suit to the symphony?

I thought that would grab your attention;-)  If you think you’re ready to try skiing, you will need to DRESS APPROPRIATELY in order to stay warm while you ski or snowshoe. Staying warm extends your time outdoors and feels a whole lot nicer than being cold, damp and chilled:-(  Here are some useful tips from the Friends of Ellenwood Park…

LAYERING – Several pieces of clothing is better than one or two bulkier pieces. Snow pants and a winter jacket ‘can’ be worn, but you may feel restricted or overheat.

IF NOT COTTON, THEN WHAT?  Cotton is perfect for absorbing moisture… which is precisely what you want to AVOID when dressing up for skiing.  No cotton sweatpants or jeans, no cotton socks or cotton underwear. You will perspire and become damp and STAY damp.  Damp = COLD!  Here’s some good advice about fabrics…

#1 Next to your skin, wear underwear or tights, made of polypro or merino wool. It wicks away moisture so you stay dry.  Remember, DRY = WARM.  #2 Your next layer is for insulation… Once you get warm, you want to STAY warm, right? A top made from polar fleece, synthetic or wool is best for this. #3  Your outermost layer should be windproof clothing that sheds snow NOT rain gear which traps sweat inside.

THE RIGHT SOCKS ARE SO IMPORTANT!  Always start with a pair of dry socks made from wool or polypro, NOT COTTON. Nice shin-length ones are best. Don’t over layer the socks. If they’re too thick, it will actually make your feet colder. You should have space to wiggle your toes inside your ski boot. You can try wearing a ladies’ knee-hi nylon stocking under your regular socks. It stops your sock from rubbing and helps prevent blisters.  Thin or ankle high socks are great for the summer, but have NO place inside a ski boot!

ACCESSORIES? Everyone should wear a woolly toque. Skip the scarf, it’s a nuisance. Mitts are warmer than gloves, but they need to be the kind with an outer fabric that sheds snow. If you do feel cold, spin your arms in circles and hop up and down. You’ll be warm in no time.  DRESS APPROPRIATELY and you’ll ski what a difference it makes!

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Valentine’s Day update…

Roses are red, violets are blue, Stephen’s been grooming the trails for you!  For those of you who LOVE cross-country skiing as much as we do, it will warm your hearts to know that the conditions are good at Ellenwood for mid-week skiing.  If you just can’t wait ’til the weekend (…and we don’t blame you)  call Yarmouth Recreation  902-742-8868 and ask Misty how you and your loved ones can borrow everything you need today!  XOXO


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Lost and Found at Ellenwood Park…

A pair of men’s neoprene ski gloves were left at the ski cabin over the weekend.  If they are yours or you know who they belong to, please email us at cbolgerstoad@yahoo.ca  and let us know… or message us on our Facebook page.

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SUNDAY, FEB. 12th update…

Conditions at Ellenwood couldn’t be better today! All our trails are groomed and ski tracks have been set throughout the Park. It’s the perfect time to give cross-country skiing a try. Go to our website www.friendsofellenwoodpark.ca and click on the ‘SKIING AT THE PARK’ tab for more details or visit our cabin staff at Ellenwood this afternoon and ski what all the fuss is about!

A bend in the trail.

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Friday, Feb. 10th update…

It looks like skiing is back in the forecast for fun this weekend!  The ski tracks are set and the groomer has groomed.  All that’s missing is YOU!  The cabin will be open from noon until 4:00 both Saturday and Sunday this weekend.  Ski ya soon!

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Saturday, Feb. 4th update…

It’s a nice day for a walk in the Park, but not enough snow for skiing unfortunately.  Nevertheless… the ski cabin will be open from 12:00 ’til 4:00 today (not tomorrow) for  any folks who feel like dropping by for a visit.  If you’ve been curious about what goes on  in the cabin, what our ski equipment looks like, who’s on staff, how fresh the coffee is, or all of the above, TODAY is a perfect day to check it out!  Tomorrow is another matter.

Rain is on the way for Sunday so make tracks to Ellenwood today while the sun shines!  Bring a friend, bring your questions, bring your camera… It sure looks pretty out there!


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Groundhog Day 2017

Well… Shubenacadie Sam did not see his shadow this morning, which means an early spring for Nova Scotia.  He clearly isn’t into cross-country skiing.  But after all, he’s just a rodent.

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February 1st update…

Will the groundhog see its shadow or not tomorrow?  Will we have an early spring or six more weeks of winter?  Will we have snow enough for skiing this weekend?  It’s a lot to ask from any rodent.

What do the Friends of Ellenwood Park see?  We see lots of walkers out enjoying the sunshine and mild temperatures at the Park and many of them are bringing their four-footed friends along, and why not?  It’s a great idea!  We’ve also been seeing lots of leashes and doggie-doo bags in use, which is why a big “Thank You” is coming your way!  All Park visitors appreciate the beauty of Ellenwood, its undisturbed wildness and clean pathways. Each and every effort to keep it that way deserves to be recognized and acknowledged. So THANKS, everyone. Keep up the good work!

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January 28th update…

Once again no snow means no skiing at the Park and the cabin will be closed.  That having been said, we must consider ourselves fortunate to have escaped the ice storm which hit New Brunswick earlier this week.  Winter weather is indeed unpredictable, but the snow ‘will’ fly eventually.  In the mean time, the Friends of Ellenwood Park wish our families, friends and neighbours in New Brunswick a quick and, above all, ‘safe’ clean up as they recover from the devastation. Our thoughts are with you.

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Page 19…

Have you read this week’s edition of The Tri-County Vanguard?  You should!  Carla Allen has written a great little article all about the Friends of Ellenwood Park.  You can’t miss it! It’s true, we’re ready for snow… and just as soon as Mother Nature decides to cooperate we’ll have the cabin open and the ski tracks set.  All we need is YOU and some snow, of course.

You don’t have to be a member, but it sure helps us out!  Just click on the little tab that says Be A Friend on our home page and find out how. While you’re at it, take a tour around our website for pictures (past and present) and for interesting news and tips.

Thank you, Vanguard!

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