Saturday, Jan. 21st update…

It’s only Friday, but I’m comfortable making a prediction about this weekend’s weather all the same.  Skiing and snowshoeing are NOT in the forecast, I’m afraid. But it looks like GREAT walking weather over the next few days!  The ski cabin won’t be open, but the trails are high and dry.

Speaking of dry…                                                                                                                                    If you’re heading out to the Park to walk (or ski or snowshoe) you might want to think about drinking a glass of water before you leave, and then some more during and after your activity. “What’s this all about?” you ask.

It’s about staying hydrated. Working all those big muscle groups of yours during a brisk walk or ski will cause you to sweat; even if it’s cold outside. Of course if you wear too many clothes you’ll sweat even more.

On top of that, add the water you lose when you breathe. Think of how you can “see” your breath when it’s cold outside!  That’s moisture leaving your body.

One last thing; don’t wait to be thirsty before you reach for that glass of water. We humans can get dehydrated before we feel thirsty!


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Saturday, Jan. 14th update…

Conditions at the Park are not favourable for skiing or snowshoeing today (Duh!) so the cabin will be closed (Surprise!) probably tomorrow too. (Gee… do ya think?)  Sorry if I sound grumpy, but Mother Nature can be SUCH a tease:-(   Not to worry.  We’ll be hip deep in the white stuff again before you know it;-)

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Another Jan. 10th update…

OK… It’s Tuesday.  I know that now.  Anyway… the skiing was FANTASTIC at Ellenwood today!  Arnie came in to plow the walking path and he’s made it wide and deep for all of our winter walkers and their four-footed friends.

Groomed trails!

Groomed trails!

This is a good time to remind everyone to stay clear of groomed trails and especially ski tracks.  Ruts caused by footprints and pawprints are DANGEROUS for skiers!  All walkers should stick to the walking path.

The DNR (Dept. of Natural Resources) requires that ALL dogs be on a leash at all times as soon as they enter the Park.  It’s for their own safety as well as that of other Park users. Keep safe everyone!




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Tuesday, Jan. 10th update…

The trails are groomed and the ski tracks are set throughout the Park on this glorious winter Tuesday!  Note from Stephen: a bit too narrow for skate skiing, but otherwise a perfect day for cross-country!

Also of note…  PLEASE don’t walk or snowshoe near the ski tracks!  If you see someone on foot, perhaps with their dog, respectfully ask them to keep well clear of the ski tracks.  Ruts are dangerous for skiers… It’s like hitting a deep pot hole in the road if you were driving:-( Folks don’t always know about these things and they don’t do it deliberately.  Thanks.

I’ve had a few inquiries about how to access equipment during the week.  For those of us who can’t get out to Ellenwood on weekends, but want to ski or snowshoe, there’s an answer!  The Yarmouth Recreation Department up in Hebron loans out the same equipment we do. You can get fitted out there and drive out to Ellenwood to take advantage of the ski tracks!  To find out more, call 902-742-8868 or email  Although we don’t staff the cabin on weekdays, ski by and say “Hi!”  One of our volunteers may just be on hand to offer you a hot drink by the stove.

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Sunday, Jan. 8th update…

OK… You can stop now!  I know that I asked all of you to keep your fingers crossed for snow, but enough’s enough already!  Then again, I shouldn’t be surprised.  Cross-country skiers are such a motivated bunch;-)

Stephen is out at the Park and has the trails all ready for you!  There was so much snow that he had to go over it a few times with the snow mobile to compact it a bit before he was able to run the groomer and set the ski tracks, but it’s all done now.  So get out there and ENJOY THE SNOW!  The conditions are perfect:-)

The roads are in great shape (surprisingly) and it’s no trouble getting to Ellenwood.  Brian and Stephen are currently manning the ski cabin and loaning out equipment, as promised. Some of us still have to dig ourselves out of our driveways!  The cabin will be warm and welcoming this afternoon, one way or another… stove lit and chocolate hot!

Don’t let Stephen do all that hard work for nothing… C’mon out and SKI why don’t ya???  Please review our trail safety tips before you head out.  Click on ‘Skiing At The Park’.


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Saturday, Jan, 7th update…

Not quite enough snow to run the groomer this morning, but maybe overnight!  The forecast is favourable:-)  We’ll keep on top of the weather conditions for you and see if we can get things up and running at the cabin tomorrow.  As always… refer here for updates before you head out.

I can hardly wait!unknown

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Snow? Bring it on!

With snow in the forecast this weekend, you can be sure that The Friends of Ellenwood will be prepared!  We have our fingers crossed that there will be enough snow to  have the walking path groomed and the ski tracks set!  The cabin will be open from noon until 4:00 on Sunday and (if the conditions are good) skis and snowshoes will be available for you to borrow. Plan a walk down to the ski cabin for a hot drink and a chat by the wood stove. We love visitors! Could there be a better, healthier way to start the New Year?  Spread the word! Why not ask a friend to join you?

Keep your eyes on the skies and then check our website for updates.

Our equipment is loaned free of charge, but we count on your donations to keep us going. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!  Click on the ‘Skiing at the Park’ tab on our Home Page for detailed information and to review important safety tips.

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It’s Membership Time!

Just a reminder that it’s time to renew your FOEP membership for another year. To find out how, click on the Be A Friend tab on our Home Page. You’ll find a printable version of our Support form there along with instructions about where to send it. Your memberships keep our events eventful – so please renew today. Still need a little nudge?  OK, how about this…

In partnership with Runner’s Attic on Main Street, anyone who presents a valid Friends of Ellenwood Park Membership Card when buying anything at Runner’s Attic will receive their purchase TAX FREE!  That’s a 15% savings every time you shop at Runner’s Attic! It’s our way of saying, “Thanks for being a Friend.”  The sooner you renew your Membership, the sooner you can start saving!



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Saturday, November 19th We have a good old fashioned MARSHMALLOW ROAST and CAMPFIRE planned from 7:00 to 9:00 PM We’ll share a few campfire tales and some local lore along with the marshmallows! This is a great event for the kids (since there’s no school the next day;-) Bring your favourite toasting fork if you’ve got one or use ours if you don’t. A flashlight and an old blanket or two will also be a good idea. This event will be cancelled in case of rain or strong wind.unknown


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6th Annual Pumpkin Carving Event Today!

TODAY…      Sunday, October 23rd from  2 to 4 PM                                                                       Who’s afraid of a little wind?   We’ll be turning pumpkins into Jack ‘o Lanterns today at the ski cabin.  We’ll have a fire blazing in the wood stove and hot chocolate to warm you up so come on out and join in the fun!


Pumpkins and carving tools will be supplied courtesy of the Friends of Ellenwood Park. Dress for the outdoors! It’s an easy 20 minute walk from the main gate down to the ski cabin.              Rain date: Oct. 30th

This is a free event, but your donations are always greatly appreciated!

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