Thank You from the Friends of Ellenwood Park

Thanksgiving is just around the corner so it’s the perfect time for us to wish all of our Members and Subscribers a very Happy Thanksgiving with your friends and family!

The Friends of Ellenwood Park have their own reasons to be thankful.  YOU!  Your interest, participation, and donations are what keep us going.  Our free ski lending program has grown because of YOU!  So we hope you will forgive us for sending out this timely reminder…

It’s time to renew your FOEP membership for another year.  To find out how, click on the Be A Friend tab on our Home Page.  You’ll find a printable version of our Support form there along with instructions about where to send it.  Your memberships keep our events eventful – so please renew today.  We can’t do what we do without YOU!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone from the Friends of Ellenwood  Park!happy-thanksgiving-background-1024x716

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Photography Workshop

Sunday, October 16th  –  2 to 4 PM  Back by popular demand, Sue Hutchins will join us at the ski cabin for a PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP – just in time to take advantage of the fall colours! Sue will talk about light, shapes, focusing techniques and much more.  All you’ll need is an open mind, a functioning camera, and some spare batteries.

This is a workshop for adults only and will take place, rain or shine.  Plan for an easy 20 minute walk down to the cabin from the Mood Road gate and please be prompt. Assistance is available for those with mobility issues. Call Chris at 902-881-2658 to register for this course. Registration for this event is limited to 10.  Call soon! Don’t miss this great opportunity.  This is a free event, but your donations are always appreciated by the Friends of Ellenwood Park .  We can’t do what we do without YOU!

Sue Hutchins & friend

Sue Hutchins & friend





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Our CORN BOIL fundraiser took place TODAY, despite the wind and fog!  Thanks to everyone who came out to show their support and that includes the Moonlight Swing Band who treated folks to some truly toe tappin’ tunes while they munched on that hot, buttery corn-on-the-cob.  What could be better?              images
The kids (both young and old) had fun with our “dry land skis” and the donations we received will go a long way towards keeping our ski trails plowed this winter.  We really can’t do what we do without YOU and we can’t thank you enough.  Be sure to keep an eye on the Upcoming Events tab on our home page for what’s up next.  We’d love to see you more often!trolley skis #3

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On the water at Ellenwood…

Saturday, August 13th: 8 PM

Paddle to the Perseids at Ellenwood Lake Provincial Park

Join Song of the Paddle for an unobstructed view of the Perseids Meteor Shower. Bring your own boat or rent one from Song of the Paddle. To register for this guided star hike contact    Call Deanna at 902-648-3540 for more information. Unknown

This event is weather dependent. Rain date: August 12th or 14th

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This week at Ellenwood…

Thursday, July 14th: 6 PM to 8 PM at Ellenwood

Song of the Paddle interpretive kayaking trip along the shores of Lake Ellenwood. Join Becky Cottreau and Deanna Nauss as they share a bit of local history and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Bring your own boat and equipment or borrow one of Becky’s – but register soon! Numbers of participants are limited. Call 902-648-3540 or email   for more information. This activity is suitable for ages 13 and older.

Come and celebrate Canada Parks Day on Saturday, July 16th

Scavenger Hunt and Barbecue at Ellenwood! The scavenger hunt begins at 11 AM and the barbecue starts at noon – but registration is required. Call 902-648-3540 or email for more information.


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Have you visited Ellenwood lately?

Ellenwood is beautiful at any time of year. Even our cross-country ski friends won’t be disappointed with the lack of snow! It’s the perfect time of year for biking or hiking, kayaking or canoeing, seeing the sights or enjoying Nature’s shy beauty. Pack a picnic lunch and spend a day relaxing or tossing a frisbee with the kids. Get away from it all at Ellenwood – and come back often!

Look hoo we saw at Ellenwood!

Look hoo we saw at Ellenwood!

Lady's Slipper

Lady’s Slipper

Azaleas at Ellenwood?  Wild!

Azaleas at Ellenwood? Wild!

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Saltscapes delivers!

Be sure to have a look at the latest Spring/Summer issue of Saltscapes magazine for an inside look at Ellenwood Park!  It’s located on page 11 of the Living Healthy insert.  You’ll be sure to recognize a few familiar faces.  Our goal of motivating  folks of all ages to enjoy nature, get active and have fun has been nicely highlighted by Sandra Phinney along with a bit of our history which I hope you’ll find interesting.  Share it with a friend.  We love it when you spread the word!

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St. Patrick’s Hunt for Gold

We had wall-to-wall wee folk at the Park today! Just what we needed to help collect all those lucky gold coins left behind by those littering leprechauns.  The weather was grand and the mood was festive for young and old. So the Friends of Ellenwood Park would like to thank everyone who made the hike down to the cabin for some fun. We hope it was worth the walk and that you will do it again often!   Our ski cabin will be closed until our ‘Weather Stations’ event on April 10th, but the Park is still a great place for family time and fresh air ANYtime!

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March 5th ski conditions

Stephen says that although the road between the parking area and the ski cabin is fully snow covered, there are bare patches on all of the ski loops around the park.  This means that conditions for today are rated as only ‘fair’.  Conditions for tomorrow will depend upon traffic on the trails today and weather overnight.

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Saturday, March 5th

The ski cabin will be open from noon until 4 pm today and tomorrow. We got our wish for another visit from Old Man Winter, but perhaps not enough snow for good ski conditions. We’ll have to wait and see just how much accumulates. Stay tuned… In the mean time remember to mark next Sunday, March 13th on your calendars. If you have youngsters 10 yrs. and under, be sure to bring them out to our annual ‘St. Patrick’s Hunt for Gold’ at the cabin from 2 to 4:00. The kids can hunt for gold coins and trade them in for fun prizes to take home. This event will depend on the weather. Click on our ‘Upcoming Events’ tab at the top of our home page for all the details!

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