Saturday, February 20th

The ski cabin will be open from noon until 2:00 only today due to inclement weather.  It will be open from 12:00 until 4:00 tomorrow as long as there’s no rain. Don’t despair all you cross-country ski lovers!  I have a feeling that Old Man Winter isn’t through with us yet and we’ll be out grooming the trails again in no time. Meanwhile, we’ve been cooking up a few fun activities especially for the youngsters to take part in.  Click on the ‘Upcoming Events’ tab at the top of our home page to see all the details about our St. Patrick’s Hunt for Gold next month!

Posted in Past Posts | Comments Off on Saturday, February 20th

A heartfelt THANK YOU!

The Friends of Ellenwood Park would like to thank each and every one of you who trekked down to the cabin for a day of glorious cross-country skiing!  The conditions were perfect and we hope that you had fun. We did! The weekend was a tremendous success – thanks to YOU!  That having been said…

We apologize to anyone who patiently waited for skis on Family Day Monday.  We had a much bigger turnout than we’ve ever had before – and that’s a GOOD thing… unless you’re the one who had to wait for skis.  We do our best, but some things are beyond our control.  There are a few things you should know about who the Friends of Ellenwood Park (FOEP) are and why we do what we do…

The FOEP is a group of volunteers. The running of our ski loan program, trail maintenance (which means care and feeling of the skidoo & groomer) and cabin upkeep are entirely funded by donations from our visitors, memberships and the tireless efforts of our team who have sought out and applied for grants and financial support since FOEP began 8 years ago. Any of you who do volunteer work know that the search for funding is an onerous and time consuming job.  The snacks  are provide by our cabin staff from the goodness of their own hearts and homes. In those 8 years, the FOEP have purchased a skidoo and trail groomer and those wonderful new ski sets you’ve been enjoying so much.  Our goal for the future is to buy more ski equipment and some snowshoes and to continue offering it all to you free of charge!  

WHY do we do this? We love the sport of cross-country skiing!  We adore the beauty of Ellenwood in all its seasons and we want to share it all with you.  A hike down to the cabin or a brisk ski around the Park keeps you and your family healthy and fit. So please be patient with us as we experience the occasional growing pains.  After all, the Friends of Ellenwood Park do it all for you!

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Family Day, February 15th

The ski cabin will be open for Family Day ski loans from 12:00 until 4:00 today.  It was beeeeeeautiful out on the trails yesterday. These light layers of fresh powder make the tracks ‘just right’ for children and folks who are new to the sport… and it’s FREE!  So there’s no reason why you and the kids can’t get out there and give it a try… right?  All you need to bring is a nice warm pair of wooly socks and we’ll provide the rest – including hot drinks by the wood stove to make your Family Day a time to remember. You’ll want to come back again and again!

The virtual fun of sitting on a couch in front of a screen just can’t compete with cross-country skiing at Ellenwood for quality family time and excitement!




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Valentine’s Day!

You’ll LOVE skiing at Ellenwood today!  The trails are groomed, the tracks are set and there’s enough fresh powder for everyone.  The conditions couldn’t be better for  youngsters and newcomers to experience the fun of cross-country skiing  at Ellenwood!  The ski cabin will be open longer today just for you (from 10 until 4) to encourage everyone to Love Your Heart.  We also have a special gift waiting for kids and 1st time skiers today, while they last! Bring a friend. Bring a camera;-)

Children must be accompanied by an adult and skis are loaned on a first come first served basis. Snacks and hot drinks provided courtesy of the FOEP volunteers because we want you to love cross-country skiing as much as we do!


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Friday, February 12th

The ski conditions are good out at the Park today.  All trails have been groomed and track set.  With more snow on the way, it looks like an ideal Family Day weekend to try cross-country skiing.  Introduce your Valentine to a new love at Ellenwood:-)

Posted in Past Posts | Comments Off on Friday, February 12th

Tuesday, February 9th

The trails will all be groomed by this afternoon with some ski tracks set, but the walking path will ‘not’ be plowed.  Ski conditions today are reported as ‘fair’ with sticky snow.

Posted in Past Posts | Comments Off on Tuesday, February 9th

Love Your Heart This Valentine’s Day!

February is Heart & Stroke Month and the Friends of Ellenwood Park want you to Love Your Heart this Valentine’s Day! 

You’re invited to hike down to the ski cabin for a heart-healthy day of winter fun! Why not give cross-country skiing a try? It’s free!  We have skis, boots and poles for the whole family to borrow and groomed ski and hiking trails that will leave you breathless. Come on! Explore your natural resources at Ellenwood between 10 am and 4 pm this Valentine’s Day.

**Special Valentine’s Day gift for first time skiers and children while they last!

The ski cabin will also be open on Saturday, the 13th  and again on Family Day, Monday the 15th from noon until 4:00 pm.

Skis are loaned on a first come first served basis. Cross-country ski equipment is also available from the Yarmouth Recreation Department in Hebron 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. Call 902-742-8868 for more information.

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Saturday, February 6th

The ski cabin is open this weekend for all of you walkers, photographers and fresh air lovers!  There are still a few icy patches so please watch your step. As I’ve said before, there are lots of ways to enjoy Ellenwood and the blue sky and sunshine makes it a perfect day to get out and get active. Stop by and say, “Hi.”  We’ll have the wood stove all warmed up for you!

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Sunday, January 31st

It’s 4 degrees out at Ellenwood today – and it’s a beautiful place to be.  That having been said, the ski conditions aren’t the best. There’s crusty snow and wet ice which means it’s skiable for veterans , but definitely not for newcomers!  We want to ensure that everyone has a happy and SAFE ski experience so icy conditions need to be taken seriously.  Those who are new to the sport or who want to try it for the first time are encouraged to wait for fresh snow. There’s still plenty of great winter weather ahead… No need to rush! Even walking can be hazardous when there’s ice. The cabin is open from noon ’til 4 pm today.  Please be careful today if you hike or ski down to pay us a visit.

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Saturday, January 30th

Stephen has been out grooming the trails this morning and was surprised to find less snow on the ground at Ellenwood than he expected.  The areas outside the cabin and around the campsite loop are only thinly covered. He is reporting ski conditions as “fair and fast”… probably not ideal for skiers new to the sport.  The cabin will be open from noon ’til 4:00 today for skiers, walkers, snowshoers and photographers too.  The temperatures are mild and the sun is trying its best to shine!

Posted in Past Posts | Comments Off on Saturday, January 30th