Tuesday, January 26th

Today is Australia Day and the folks down under are experiencing rain, humidity and 25 degree temperatures. Whew!  I bet that more than one of our Aussie friends are wishing they could be here at Ellenwood enjoying the great track conditions today. (Okay… maybe not, but the ski conditions are very good!) Don’t wait for the weekend.  Skis are available to borrow from the folks at the Recreation Department in Hebron all week long. Bring them out to the Park and be glad you’re not in Melbourne!  If you do plan to join us at the cabin this weekend, remember…

Our skis are free to borrow, but Ellie, our wonderful groomer depends on your donations to keep gassed up and doing her job throughout the season. Consider bringing along a few dollars or be an FOEP supporter ($10 for individuals or $15 for a family). Support forms are available at the ski cabin. And as they say down under, “Thank you!”

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Sunday, January 24th

It was wonderful to see so many first-time skiers out at Ellenwood yesterday and to be able to offer such great track conditions for their inaugural runs! Today promises to be every bit as fun – so it may be time for another quick safety tip or two.

Tip#1 On a 2-way track such as Ellenwood’s, descending skiers always have the right of way. Skiers on a downhill run should yell, “TRACK” to alert folks to their approach.                                                                                                                                  Tip #2 Do not stop where you may obstruct a trail or are not visible to others. Move off the track quickly if you fall or during rest stops.                                                         Tip #3 Four-legged friends are welcome to use the plowed walking path on the left. To ensure SAFE walkies for you and your buddy – always keep them on a leash!

Thanks for telling your friends about our free ski lending service! The word is spreading and winter will be a whole lot more fun for folks, thanks to YOU!

“Ellie” our groomer needs your support to keep her running reliably throughout the season and setting those perfect tracks.  So the next time you visit the cabin, please consider bringing along a dollar or two.  Or better yet, become a Friend by filling out a Support Form at the cabin for yourself ($10) or your family ($15).  Happy trails!

Ellie, our trail groomer.

Ellie, our trail groomer.

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Thursday, January 21st

Thank you to Stephen who has been out grooming the trails and setting ski tracks for all of our cross-country ski enthusiasts.  Hey!  Maybe you’re one of them and you don’t even know it yet!  The conditions are prime at Ellenwood these days.  The only way to find out if you are an undiscovered cross-country ski buff is to head out to the Park and join us!  Not sure whether you’ve got what it takes?  We have a solution!  First, come on out to Ellenwood and just walk through the trees and rolling terrain. See what’s what and check out the lay of the land. Trust me, it’s gorgeous. Next, borrow some skis, boots and poles from the cabin this weekend and retrace your steps. Simple! Unplug your X-Box and forget ‘virtual’ fun. We have the real thing at Ellenwood – and the hot chocolate’s on us;-)  The ski cabin will be open from noon to 4:00 on Saturday and Sunday if the conditions permit.

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Tuesday, January 19th

“Oh, the weather outside is frightful – So the skiing is delightful!”  Every new layer of powder on ground just makes the ski conditions better and better!  It’s worth the trip out to Ellenwood, trust me.  We love saying “Hello” to new faces on the trails.  If you are new to the sport, there are some things you need to know. Call it ski etiquette… 

• Yield to faster skiers or downhill skiers. Step off to the side of the track to allow faster skiers to pass.  (…otherwise they might crash into you;-)

• If you are going to overtake another skier, yell “Track”, and proceed only after they have stepped to the side. (…like yelling “FORE” when you’re golfing. It’s best NOT to wait ’til the last second to yell by the way, especially if you’re picking up speed on a downhill run. Think about it…;-)

• Respect other skiers and do not walk or snowshoe in ski tracks. If you fall, try to get off the track as gently as possible and fill in any holes. (…like filling in a divot on a fairway. There’s another golf analogy for ya;-)

Have fun and be safe out there!

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Sunday, January 17th

Wintertime… and the skiin’ is easy… Our friends at the Park say that the track conditions are good to go today!  Drop by the cabin between noon and 4:00 this afternoon and say, “Hi!”  Borrow some skis or just walk through the beautiful Ellenwood trails – all groomed for skiers, snowshoers and walkers too!  We just have a few easy requests… PLEASE don’t walk on the ski tracks!  Stephen will thank you. Be sure to bring a leash and a ‘baggie’ or two for your dogs;-)  EVERYONE will thank you!  More snow on the way tomorrow so stay tuned for further updates. See you on the trails!



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Free Ski Rentals!

Ski season has arrived and folks are already out there enjoying the trails. The Friends of Ellenwood have purchased brand new Nordic Style skis and boots to add to last year’s 3 pin models and now can offer 30 pairs in a wide variety of sizes.  Skis are FREE to borrow from the cabin whenever it’s open. So when is it open, you ask? Ellenwood’s ski cabin is open every Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm, weather permitting. Additional cabin availability on weekdays will be posted on our website and on Facebook along with trail conditions, event updates and cancellations.  Ski equipment can also be borrowed Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm from Yarmouth Recreation. 902-742-8868   www.yarmouthrecreation.ca/leisure/   Skis from the Rec. Department can be borrowed for a few days at a time. That means that you can enjoy great skiing at Ellenwood 7 days a week!  As long as Mother Nature cooperates, our trails will be groomed and ready for you… along with a hot wood stove and hot drinks. What more could you ask for? Come and see for yourself! Check in often to see what’s happening.

Brian 's favourite winter past time.

Brian’s favourite winter past time.

Cabin is open!

Cabin is open!

The joy of a perfect ski day!

The joy of a perfect ski day!

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Snow need to wait – ski NOW!

Come on out to Ellenwood and take advantage of the great ski conditions!  Whether you’re cross country skiing, snowshoeing or just out for a hike, the trails are all ready for you. Why not bring a friend or the entire family out today for a fun day in the snow?  ‘Tis the season to be active. Don’t let all that turkey and stuffing get the better of you;-)  There’s snow enough for all at Ellenwood right now and throughout the winter months. When the ground is white the time is right!  Check back frequently for trail conditions or check us out on Facebook.  See you on the trails!

Winter in Ellenwood...

Winter in Ellenwood…

Ideal ski conditions!

Ideal ski conditions!

Just a short drive away...

Just a short drive away…


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Warm Holiday Wishes to all!

We regretfully had to cancel our Geminids Meteor Shower and Chilli Dinner because of overcast conditions and inclement weather.  There’s a price to pay for these unseasonably mild temperatures we’ve been enjoying so far this month.  And on that note, we would like to extend to each and every one of our Friends and Supporters our ‘warmest‘ wishes for a happy and joyful holiday season!  Check back with us soon for a fresh list of events for 2016. When the snow flies, as it surely will, remember that cross-country skiing is a great way to kick off the New Year!  Make plans to hike down to the cabin… Check out our new ski sets and enjoy a day on the trails!  We’ll look forward to see you.

Beautiful winter scenery!

Beautiful winter scenery!

Groomed trails!

Groomed trails!

Just a short drive away...

Just a short drive away…

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Geminids Meteor Shower & Chilli Dinner

A reminder to mark your calendars!                                                                                       MONDAY, DECEMBER 14th – from 4 to 8 pm 2015 Geminids Meteor Shower and Chilli Fundraising Dinner Join the Friends of Ellenwood, to view the 2015 Geminids Meteor Showers. Ellenwood Park has very minimal light pollution, so it is the perfect place to view the Geminid meteor showers. We will be serving chilli, buns and hot drinks in the cabin. By donation. For assistance for those with mobility difficulties, contact Stephen at 902-742-6252 in advance. There will be more information about this event on our Facebook page.

In 2015, the Geminids will peak between December 13 and 14. A waxing crescent Moon (Moon’s phase after a New Moon) will create good conditions for viewing the shower. The Geminids are one of two meteor showers that occur in December. Northern Hemisphere observers should try their luck right after sunset. The Geminids can be annually observed between December 4 and December 17, with its peak activity being around December 14. The shower owes its name to the constellation Gemini from where the meteors seem to emerge from in the sky. Unlike most other meteor showers, the Geminids are associated not with a comet but with an asteroid – the 3200 Phaethon. The asteroid takes about 1.4 years to orbit around the Sun. The Geminids are considered to be one of the more spectacular meteor showers during a year, with the possibility of sighting around 120 meteors per hour at its peak

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Winter Bird Feeding Workshop

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH from 2 to 4 pm at the ski cabin Winter Bird Feeding Workshop Join our members at the ski cabin for a talk on what birds we can expect to see at our feeders and in our yards in the winter. We will discuss, our favourite type of birdfeeders and what to feed the different species of birds in the winter. Members of the FOEP will demonstrate different types of suet bird feeders you can make at home to attract and help our feathered friends in the winter. Great for any interested adults or kids! For assistance for those with mobility difficulties, contact Chris at 902-881-2658 in advance. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate and goodies will be served. Donations to FOEP, most welcome. (Rain date: Sunday, November 22nd)

Marcie's finished product!

Marcie’s finished product!

Why not make your own?

What’s for dinner?


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