It’s heavy snow and a bit sticky but there’s plenty of it and more is on the way! The snow mobile is being temperamental today and grooming the trails may be postponed (or not possible) but Ellenwood is still a great place to make your own tracks – on skis or on foot – so get out there!
PLEASE respect the trail users’ code that’s posted at the gate: walkers keep to the left and away from ski tracks which will be on the right. This is not just a courtesy, but a serious safety issue for skiers, walkers and especially children and pets!
Hint: it’s perfect snow for snow sculptures;-)
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Larry was out with the roller this morning compacting the snow around the park. If conditions hold, he will be back at it tomorrow to set tracks.
Lots of folks were out taking advantage of our first real snowfall, but conditions were very sticky.
PLEASE remember that if you are walking stay to the left and well away from the ski tracks. This is an important safety issue for our XC skiers! Keep pets off the tracks as well – as a courtesy to those who get so few chances to ski during the winter months. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
As always, remember that you ski at your own risk. Have fun, but stay safe!
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Hello there! Remember us? It’s been a long time indeed, but the Friends of Ellenwood Park are already preparing to get folks back on skis this winter. Once again we’ll be grooming the trails and setting tracks around the park whenever Old Man Winter sends snow our way – and we’d like to extend an invitation to YOU to join us for some cross country skiing fun in the beautiful surroundings of Ellenwood Lake Park.
Don’t have your own equipment?
Cheer up! We’ve got everything you need…
We have skis, poles, boots and even snowshoes for all ages and they’re FREE to borrow any weekend when we have skiable snow… although we are always grateful for donations;-)
What about covid protocols?
Our little ski cabin down by the lake is small so masks will be required inside. For your protection and ours we will always be sure to follow current provincial covid protocols. This will mean limiting the number of folks inside at one time, but we’ll do our best to minimize your wait time and maximize your fun!
So what are you waiting for?
Oh… snow. Unfortunately that’s beyond our control. It’s on our Christmas wish list though!
In the mean time, start warming up those sleepy muscles and watch for more details and updates here or on our Facebook page.
We’ll be ready whenever you are!
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The Friends of Ellenwood Park would like to extend an invitation to those of you who love the Park and what we do to join us. In fact, we’re recruiting!
We rely on our team of volunteers to keep on doing what we do and we need YOUR help to carry on. It’s fun and rewarding time spent in our favourite place and it puts a smile on lots of faces – just like yours!
So… what is it that our volunteers do? The Friends of Ellenwood Park meet once a month to plan ahead for new events like rock hunting, star hikes, bonfires and marshmallow roasts. We talk about who will ‘host’ the event and divide the tasks among us. When there’s skiable snow, we set up the ski cabin and get ready to put on skis and equip folks for winter weekend fun!
If you’ve ever participated in any of our events, you’ll know how much fun it is – and not just for the participants! There’s something for everyone to enjoy, for every age and skill level, but it doesn’t happen without our volunteers!
Can we interest YOU? We need dedicated volunteers to step up and lend us a hand. If you’d like to know more PLEASE go to our Facebook page and send us a message or email and we’ll reply . It’s a small commitment of time for a really great service to our community… and we can’t do it without YOU!
The Friends of Ellenwood Park would like to wish all of you a very happy and SAFE summer. I know that it may look a bit bleak right now, but there’s a light at the end of this pandemic tunnel and it gets closer every day!
Keep Ellenwood Park in mind whenever the outdoors calls you to visit. Bike, walk, kayak… however you enjoy Nature the most, Ellenwood is waiting there for you. It’s a great place to find some peace and fresh air!
We’ll see you in October!
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Cheers to the four winners of the Good-bye Winter, Hello Spring Scavenger Hunt! They will each take home a $20 gift card to one of our local businesses downtown. Our winners were:
Heather Rogers, Paige Doucette, Michelle Churchill, and Mya LeBlanc
If you’d like to watch a replay of Sara spinning the winners’ wheel on March 24th, go to the Yarmouth Recreation Facebook page or to:
We hope that everyone who participated had as much fun as we did. We heard from lots of folks who completed the trail – some more than once! Let’s do it again sometime:-)
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We had some pretty sharp hikers out there on the Leon Williams Memorial Trail last week for the ‘Good-bye Winter, Hello Spring’ March Break Scavenger Hunt. Look at some of the things we found…
A trowel and gardening gloves…A sprinkler…Some lovely flowers…A shamrock…A handy lawn chair…A crazy carpet…Some ski poles…A cardinal…A butterfly…An Easter bunny, a fly swatter, and a watering can…Some flip flops, an umbrella, a Christmas stocking, and a snowshoe… just to mention a few.
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Once you’ve taken your photos or made a list of the objects you found, email them to Sara LeBlanc at the Yarmouth Recreation Department. She’ll enter your name in a draw for the chance to win one of four $20 gift certificates. GOOD LUCK:-)
Hints and Tips:
1. When you enter the hiking loop, stay to your right for easier spotting. 2. PLEASE don’t disturb any of the items you find. Leave them for others to enjoy. 3. All 20 objects are in plain sight. They are not hidden in any way, but that doesn’t mean that they’re easy to spot. Keep your eyes open! 4. Don’t worry if you don’t find all 20. You can always go back later in the week and try again. Look up, look around… Have fun and enjoy your surroundings. 5. DON’T TELL ANYONE WHAT YOU FOUND!
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