Sunday, February 21st update…

No changes at the Park today. Plenty of snow, but underlying ice making it tricky to groom and dangerous to walk. It’s nice to see folks out there on skis all the same because the weather is fine and the scenery is winter wonderful! Have fun. Stay safe!

Reminder: Due to covid safety protocols, the Friends of Ellenwood Park will not be loaning out equipment this season. Sport Nova Scotia has set strict rules for the loaning and/or rental of skis and boots – and the size of the ski cabin plus the way in which we fit individuals makes it impossible for us to meet their guidelines. We will be grooming and setting track throughout the Park this season, but the cabin will remain closed. Sorry! Believe me, we wish it were otherwise.

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Saturday, February 20th update…

XC ski conditions throughout the Park are POOR, and very sticky. There may be lots of snow on the ground, but there’s a lot of ice too! Larry was unable to groom this morning due to the icy conditions next to the pavement. Walkers, in particular, should exercise extreme caution! We’ll try again tomorrow to groom and set tracks and let you know how we do. Have fun. Stay safe!

For those of you wanting to borrow equipment:

Unfortunately, due to covid safety protocols, the Friends of Ellenwood Park will not be loaning out equipment this season. Sport Nova Scotia has set strict rules for the loaning and/or rental of skis and boots – and the size of the ski cabin plus the way in which we fit individuals makes it impossible for us to meet their guidelines. We will be grooming and setting track throughout the Park this season, but the cabin will remain closed. Sorry! Believe me, we wish it were otherwise.

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Sunday, February 14th update…

Larry has just finished grooming and reports fair to good ski conditions throughout the Park.

For walkers it’s a different story and compacted snow from repeated foot traffic may cause icy conditions so EXERCISE CAUTION at all times.

Whether skiing or walking, Park users do so at their OWN RISK. Have fun, be safe!

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Wednesday, February 10th update…

Latest ski conditions at Ellenwood:

Larry has just finished grooming and reports very good cross-country conditions throughout the Park and beautiful weather for folks on skis! Walkers please remember to stay to the left and avoid stepping into the ski tracks. As always, you SKI AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Walking conditions were treacherous this morning with ice under a thin layer of snow on the plowed side of the trail. Campsite loops are groomed for skiers only. Please WALK WITH CAUTION.

Thanks to our loyal followers and Park users for sending reports like these. It’s greatly appreciated! Take care. Stay safe!

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Monday, February 8th update…

Larry just called from Ellenwood to say that he’s finished setting tracks around the Park and conditions are GOOD! So get out there and enjoy it while it lasts:-)

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Sunday, January 24th

Conditions this afternoon at Ellenwood are reported as ‘patchy’ at best… the campground loops being unskiable. The asphalt loop is snow-covered and is OK for skiing, but too thin to groom, so there are no tracks set. Use caution.

Wind is always a factor when the snow is powdery. It gets lifted and redeposited unevenly, unfortunately. We’ll be sure to keep you posted if there are any changes. Happy trails!

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Why not Walk Fundy?

Our community partners at the Yarmouth Recreation Department have a GREAT idea to keep you active and fit this year. It’s called ‘Walk Fundy.’ Whether it’s indoors, outdoors, on a trail or on a treadmill, it’s a fun challenge to walk the equivalent number of kilometres from here to the New Bruswick border by March 31st – a distance of about 550 km. There are prizes too:-) What more incentive do you need? For full details go to…

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Friday, Dec. 18th ski conditions…

Larry was out grooming this morning and he is reporting fair-to-good ski conditions with tracks set throughout the Park. There was less snow than promised, but enough to ski on:-) Get out there fast before it melts away! Have fun. Stay safe.

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Gifts for the sky-gazer…

We are just a few days away from the Winter Solstice, December 21st, marking the shortest day of the year with the least daylight and the official beginning of winter. This year’s solstice brings along with it a remarkable event, the convergence of Jupiter and Saturn. On a clear night it can be seen in the western sky about 45 minutes after sunset – and these two planets haven’t been this close in 800 years! They will be a mere 0.1 degree apart. For more detailed information about the Great Conjunction try going to

Just think… there is no one living today who has seen this happen and another 800 years will pass before it is seen again! Let’s hope for clear skies this week so we can fully enjoy this rare gift… just in time for Christmas!

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Fit Week Photo Contest

The Friends of Ellenwood Park would like you to join us as we participate in Fit Week, November 16th to 22nd. The Yarmouth Recreation Department will be hosting a variety of events throughout the week with the goal of helping you stay FIT this season and Ellenwood Park is a great place to start! You can stay ‘socially distanced’ and still have fun.

How about bringing your camera or cell phone out to the Park and taking a few pictures? We’ll be offering prizes for the best 4 photos! Here are the categories… 

  • best photo taken by a person 10 years of age or under 
  • best photo taken at night 
  • best action shot
  • best still life/ nature photo

All photos must be taken in Ellenwood Park between the 16th and the 22nd to qualify. A $20 gift card will be awarded for each of our winners to spend at local shops and your photos will be posted here on our website and on our Facebook page where everyone can vote by ‘liking’ their favourites! *Only one entry per person per category please.

Photos should be attached in an email to or sent via Facebook Messenger to… Winners will be announced on November 28th.

Even more reasons to get out there and enjoy Nature – and take your best shot!

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