Wow! Ooooo! Ahhhh!

The moon was just breathtaking last night and the conditions couldn’t have been better, no wind, no clouds and no ice under foot. Thanks to all of the folks who took photos! If there are more of you out there, please feel free to share:-) Here’s just a sample of what we saw…

We all had great evening! Why not join us next time?
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Feb. 9th Moonlight Hike

It’s going to be cold but otherwise great conditions for our 2nd full moon hike tonight. Due to Friday’s wind storm, there are several trees down around the Park and ALL Park users are advised to be extra careful on the trails! We were sent a few pictures by a walker out at Ellenwood, which I’ll share. **Our hike leaders will have some important safety tips for you when you sign in at the Mood Road Gate at 7:00 pm. Dress for the cold and bring a flashlight (just in case;-) Refer to our ‘Upcoming Events’ tab for more details and come out and join us!

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Moonlight hike reminder!

Our next hike by the light of the full moon will be happening this Sunday, February 9th… and the forecast looks good! We’re hoping for some nice views of the night sky and good walking conditions – so bring a friend and introduce them to beautiful Ellenwood park after dark. We’ll meet everyone at the Mood Road gate for a 7:00 pm start. Please sign in when you arrive. Hot drinks and a cozy wood fire will be waiting. Like all of our events, participation is FREE, but goodwill donations are greatly appreciated! Dress for the weather and bring a flashlight (just in case;-) Check back here or on our Facebook page for updates before heading out.

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The next full moon is on its way!

The Friends of Ellenwood Park invite you to join us for a leisurely stroll by moonlight on Sunday, February 9th.  It’s a great opportunity for photographers or for those who just appreciate our beautiful, starry night skies.  We will meet everyone at the Mood Road parking lot at 7:00 pm and hike for an hour or so and follow it up with a hot drink at the ski cabin before heading home around 9:00 pm.  Dress for the weather and bring a flashlight (just in case).  The next full moon hike is planned for Monday, March 9th.  **All our events are weather dependent and will be cancelled if it’s too icy or conditions are unfavourable.  Always check our website or Facebook page for updates before heading out. Remember to take a moment to sign in at the Park gate when you arrive.

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Saturday, January 25th

The ski cabin will be closed this weekend for equipment loans. The track set areas throughout Ellenwood have become patchy and poor for skiing over the past few days of mild weather. The centre groomed strip may still offer some fairly good snow for classic or skate skiing, but the DNR has been in the park with their plow and narrowed the skiable surface a bit.

Trucks will be in and out of the park next week so that construction of the new cabin in one of the camping loops can be completed. There will likely be some sanding done on the road down from the parking lot so walkers may actually benefit!

We’ll keep an eye on the construction as it progresses. Hopefully, it will be all wrapped up in time for our next fall of snow!

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Monday, January 20th, 2020

Below zero temperatures and just enough new snowfall have improved ski conditions in all areas of the Park and Stephen has been out grooming – just for you! As long as the colder temperatures hold, the skiing will be GOOD with just a few thin patches in some of the track set areas to watch out for.

Remain vigilant in the camping loops, especially around the spots flagged for construction. You ski at your own risk and our volunteers want everyone to ENJOY their ski experience. Be safe and have FUN out there!

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Sunday, January 19th, 2020

The skiing conditions at the Park are not good today. The thin layer of skiable snow that we enjoyed yesterday thinned out even more with use. The new layer of snow that fell overnight is very wet – and today’s light rain is expected to persist until suppertime, which will make it very sloppy and ruin whatever old snow base was left. Sorry folks, but the ski cabin will be closed today. If the conditions improve and grooming is possible in a day or two, we’ll be sure to let you know!

Everybody smile and say, “SKIS!”
Are you having a good time? These folks sure are!

Here’s one for the family photo album…

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Saturday, January 18th, 2020

Friends of Ellenwood volunteers will be at the ski cabin today from noon until 4:00 lending x-country ski equipment and snowshoes on a first come, first served basis. The conditions are good all around the Park, but caution is advised due to areas that have been affected by construction work in the camping loops and icy areas elsewhere. **Please refer to yesterday’s post. Equipment loans are FREE, but your goodwill donations help us continue to do what we do and are always, always appreciated!

Baby, it’s cold outside!

We have a pulk. “…Ummmm …What’s a pulk?” you ask. Well, it’s a short, enclosed sled that, when harnessed to an adult x-country skier, makes it possible (and FUN) for the whole family to enjoy the experience of swooshing over fresh snow – even toddlers! Ours is kind of like this…

Get the idea?

That being said… everyone needs to wear proper clothing or no one has fun. Remember this simple fact: DRY IS GOOD. WET IS BAD! Layers are great – as opposed to bulky snow suits which can’t be removed once you’re all warmed up (and possibly sweaty). They’re OK for babies though;-) DO NOT wear cotton! It’s the worst fabric for the snow. It’s made to be absorbent and hold moisture, which is BAD. Pay attention to your feet! Wool socks are great. Wool helps to repel wetness and dry is GOOD, right? Otherwise, aim for quick-dry synthetics. Read all about it on line. Learn how to dress properly when you play in the snow and you’ll have more fun and be able to stay outdoors longer:-) Enjoy the snow while it lasts!

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Friday, January 17th, 2020

Stephen has been out grooming the trails at Ellenwood and has done the best he can. Despite all of the snow that’s fallen, much of it is sitting on ice-covered asphalt and it’s hard for the groomer to get traction and track setting has been challenging. That being said, the conditions are fair to good (not great) with some rough patches to look out for – especially where the DNR has been constructing in the camping loops. Two ditches have been flagged at sites 47 – 51 in loop A and there is hard-to-see exposed gravel at site 66, which can be dangerous if approaching from uphill.

We have marked some of the rough spots with reflectors and/or tape, but exercise extra care wherever you ski and expect the unexpected. The Park is technically under construction and, as always, you ski at your own risk.

We’ll be at the ski cabin tomorrow from noon until 4:00 for equipment loans. Check back here or on our Facebook page for an update on Park conditions before heading out! Reminder: walk left, ski right, and skate ski in between;-) See ya!
Posted in Past Posts | Comments Off on Friday, January 17th, 2020

Moonlight hike update…

We’re going to go ahead with tonight’s full moon hike as planned. Technically – the moon is full although we may not get much of a chance to see it. Check in with our FOEP volunteers at the Mood Road gate for a 7:00 pm start. Bring a flashlight (just in case) and dress for the weather, which is mild, but damp. **Please sign in at the gate when you arrive!

After your walk please stop by the ski cabin for a warming drink before heading back to your cars. We’ll have the wood stove lit and hot chocolate, tea or coffee for everyone.

This is a free event, but the Friends of Ellenwood appreciate the donations we receive from our supporters. We can’t promise the moon, unfortunately.

YAY! We’re going on a night hike!
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